

Represented by President & CEO Jörn Rüter, Petra Peters.. Entered in the commercial register of tHamburg, HRB 59641.

Sales tax identification number as per Sec. 27 a of the Sales Tax Law (Umsatzsteuergesetz):

DE 173998322

Bank Account:
IBAN DE29200505501250125034; BIC: HASPDEHH

Responsible for the content as per § 6 of the media services law: Jörn Rüter, Petra Peters

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Despite careful checks of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked sites are exclusively responsible for their content.

Platform for online dispute resolution, participation in dispute resolution procedure

(1) Applicable law obliges us to inform the consumers of the existence of the European online dispute resolution platform, which can be used to resolve disputes without the need to involve a court. The European Commission is responsible for organisation of the platform. Here is the link to the European online dispute resolution platform:
(2) We are not obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a dispute resolution entity for consumers and have therefore decided against voluntary participation.

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